Debugging is part of our every day lives as software developers - or it should be. Understanding why an error is happening is not always easy. In fact, most of the times it isn’t.
A great tool we all have are debuggers. As the name suggests, they remove (“de-”) bugs.
One part of the software development process that they are needed but we usually don’t think too much about it, is in the tests.
Then comes the question: how do I do that?
Python vscode extension
There’s a really easy way of dealing with that in Python and vscode: using the official Python extension.
After you install it, run the command (using CMD-Shift-P on MacOS
, or Control-Shift-P
elsewhere) > Python: Configure Tests

Once you follow the steps asked, you are all setup up.
You can either run the tests using the Testing space on the sidebar of vscode or, inside the test file, clicking on the Play icon.

Although many people think that using only CLI is THE thing and experienced developers should only use it, the GUI can help a lot with our productivity and it doesn’t diminish who you are.
Don’t let things define what you do. Be you.
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